Zenas turned two months old today!
Zenas celebrated his birthday recovering from a wild night out.
At first we said we would not dress him up for Halloween--but that mohawk made it too easy. It all came together as if meant to be: Krista had loaned us the Converse shoes; a Freecycler had given us the orange Halloween tights; Matt had just saved the black Tshirt from the Pixar free pile, not knowing that I had worked at Yoshi's long ago and would likely not be advertising them on my son--but perfect for ripping and defacing; and Auntie Aly was over to help me make the necklace from the safety pins and padlock I already had.
We dressed him up, loaded him in the stroller to Belvedere Street, a scene also referred to as "Kiddie Castro." There are blockades to keep out cars for the few block stretch, and it seems about every single house participates in over-the top fashion, often converting their garages into themed tfamous for it's kid-oriented Halloween decorations (three blocks of live bands, discos, and wildly themed garages; hundreds if not thousands of people showed up, mostly in costume). He slept through most of it and could not yet collect candy for his parents but we're banking on next year.
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